According to a report, Rowan Atkinson, the British comedy actor best known for his role as the accident-prone Mr. Bean, grabbed control of his small aircraft after the pilot fainted in the sky above Kenya. According to the Spectator magazine, Mr. Atkinson, 46, who does not know how to fly, kept the plane carrying his wife and two children on a stable track until the pilot regained consciousness.

Rowan Atkinson saves a plane from crashing
During a family vacation in Kenya, the actor leased the Cessna 202 plane. According to the Spectator, he and his family were being transported from Ukundu, a resort near Mombassa, to Nairobi's Wilson airport. The management agency for Mr. Atkinson refused to comment. 

Rowan Atkinson saves his family from a plane crash
According to the magazine, after the pilot went out at a height of 16,000 feet, the Cessna began to lurch from side to side and the nose sank rapidly, according to sources at the airport and friends of Mr. Atkinson. Mr. Atkinson and his wife allegedly attempted, but failed, to resuscitate the guy. Mr. Atkinson took over the controls and kept the plane flying until the pilot regained consciousness, returned the controls, and landed the plane. According to the Spectator, after reporting the incident, the actor and his family boarded a British Airways aircraft from Nairobi's Jomo Kenyatta Airport to London.