Apple TV+ is the first streaming service to receive an Academy Award three years after its debut. The award was granted for the film "CODA" in the category "Best film." The film knocked out Netflix's Power of the Dog western, which was also a favorite in this category and won an Oscar for Best Director, directed by Jane Campion.
Following the film's premiere at the 2021 Sundance Film Festival, Apple purchased the screening rights to CODA for $25 million. The film, which was produced by Vendome Pictures and Pathé, has been available on Apple TV+ since August 2021.
Apple TV+ is a subscription streaming service owned and operated by Apple Inc. in the United States. Apple Originals, which debuted on November 1, 2019, is a collection of original production films and television series. The service was unveiled at an Apple Special Event in March 2019, where Jennifer Aniston, Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, and Jason Momoa, among others, appeared on stage to support Apple TV+ ventures.
The service is offered through Apple's website and the Apple TV app, which has gradually become available for a variety of Apple devices as well as several key competitor streaming devices, such as multiple smart TV models and video game consoles. Apple intends to expand the services' availability, and subscribers with devices that aren't now supported can use workarounds. The Apple One subscription bundle includes access.